SCAMPER Technique: Innovating for a Peaceful Future

Artistic representation of SCAMPER technique applied to peace innovation

In our quest for a more peaceful world, innovation plays a crucial role. The SCAMPER technique, a creative thinking tool, offers a structured approach to generating novel ideas and solutions. This post explores how we can apply SCAMPER to reimagine existing peace-building strategies and develop innovative approaches to conflict resolution.

What is SCAMPER?

SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for:

  • Substitute
  • Combine
  • Adapt
  • Modify
  • Put to another use
  • Eliminate
  • Reverse

Each of these prompts encourages us to think about existing ideas or concepts in new ways, potentially leading to breakthrough innovations.

A Naive Application of SCAMPER for Peace-building:


What if we substitute traditional diplomatic meetings with virtual reality peace summits? This could allow for more frequent, cost-effective, and inclusive international dialogues.


How about combining peace education with popular culture? We could create engaging video games or social media campaigns that promote conflict resolution skills and intercultural understanding.


Can we adapt successful local peace initiatives to work on a global scale? By studying and scaling up effective grassroots programs, we might find new approaches to international conflict resolution.


What if we modify the structure of peace treaties to include blockchain-based smart contracts? This could enhance transparency and automate the verification of treaty compliance.

Put to another use

How can we repurpose military technologies for peaceful applications? For instance, using satellite imagery for environmental conservation or early warning systems for natural disasters.


What if we eliminate physical borders in certain regions and create shared zones of peace and cooperation? This could foster mutual understanding and reduce tensions between neighboring countries.


Instead of focusing on resolving conflicts after they occur, what if we reverse our approach and invest more heavily in preventive diplomacy and early intervention strategies?

The Power of creative thinking in peace-building

By applying the SCAMPER technique to peace-building efforts, we open up new possibilities for addressing complex global challenges. This approach encourages us to question assumptions, challenge the status quo, and think outside the box.

Innovation in peace-building is not just about creating new technologies or policies. It's about reimagining how we approach conflict resolution, fostering empathy and understanding, and creating systems that promote sustainable peace.


As we face increasingly complex global challenges, creative problem-solving techniques like SCAMPER become invaluable tools in our peace-building toolkit. By consistently applying these innovative thinking strategies, we can work towards a more peaceful and harmonious world.

At start, we believe that combining creativity with technology and diplomacy is key to addressing global conflicts. We encourage everyone to embrace innovative thinking in their approach to peace-building, whether you're a diplomat, a technologist, or a concerned global citizen.

Together, let's SCAMPER our way to a more peaceful future.